Welcome to the Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Ltd.! 香港佛法中心歡迎您!

The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Ltd.(BDCHK) was established in April 2012. The primary aims of the Centre are to promote the integration of Buddhist Studies and Dharma practice. Under this broad aspect, BDCHK promotes the study and research of Buddhism through academic courses and publications. Enrolment to its academic programmes will be open to local as well as students from abroad and from both the lay and sangha communities. It will also conduct regular seminars, lectures and conferences and organize related activities which will be open to the general public.

BDCHK is a charitable institution registered under section 88 Inland Revenue Ordinance, Cap. 112 Laws of Hong Kong. (Any cash donation above HK$100 is tax-deductible.)

We strive to integrate study with practice in accordance with the doctrine of the five spiritual faculties: faith, vigour, mindfulness, equipoise and wisdom.

We offer academic programmes (including Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies, Master of Arts Degree in Buddhist Studies, Master of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies and Doctor of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies) as well as special courses. For detail, please see http://buddhadharma.co/Courses

香港佛法中心創建於2012年4月,以「佛學而學佛, 學佛而佛學」為宗旨,弘揚佛法,提倡佛法教育,並從事慈善事業。依據信、勤、念、定、慧「五根」,中心將佛學研究與修行相結合,幫助人們實現和諧的日常生活,使人們全面深入地認識佛教,消除宗派成見。


Latest News

2024 Kathina Robes & Alms Offering

Publication: Initiation Into The Treasury Of Abhidharma

Initiation Into The Treasury Of Abhidharma is now available for ordering at publication@buddha-dharma.org.hk

More details of the book can be found at: https://buddhadharma.co/node/452 

佛學文憑 (中文媒介)

現正接受申請, 詳情請參閱: https://buddhadharma.co/C_DPBS

Diploma in Buddhist Studies (English Medium)

Application is now open, please find the full details at: https://buddhadharma.co/DPBS


現正接受申請, 詳情請參閱: https://buddhadharma.co/C_MASTER

Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English Medium)

Application is now open, please find the full details at: https://www.buddhadharma.co/Master

誠摯邀請法光法師蒞臨雅加達文殊禪院 佛學講座題目: 佛法禪修的重要性 (22 Dec 2024)
Dharmadesana | Mengundang Profesor Universitas Hong Kong
Venerable. Prof. K.L. Dhammajoti “Ven. Fa Guang” (22 Dec 2024)

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)’s “President’s Chatroom” / 香港恒生大學校長對談系列《阿毘達磨俱舍論》對理解人生體驗的貢獻

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)’s “President’s Chatroom” is honoured to invite Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti, Dr Stephen Suen, and Dr Eliza Fok as guest speakers to share their insights on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (AKB). 

Ven. Prof. Dhammajoti visit to his Compassion Institute in Chittagon