12 Students Graduated under 2015/16 MA Programme with Flying Colours
We are pleased to announce that 12 students have graduated under the 2015/16 Master of Arts Degree in Buddhist Studies (MA) (English Medium) programme affiliated with the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya. Ten of them passed the Final Examinations with Distinction, and two with credit. Our congratulations to these graduands:
AU Yiu Keung Aaron (Distinction)
IP Man Yi (Distinction)
KHAN Therese Siu Yee (Distinction)
LAM Kwok Ying Chris (Distinction)
NGAI Chun Yuen (Distinction)
TSANG Alice Kwai Yee (Distinction)
WONG Sin Ying (Distinction)
CHU Lai Chun Peggy (Distinction)
MUI Sze Ching Jessica (Distinction)
CHANG Hsing Wun (Distinction)
LEEAPHORN Tipavan (Credit)
WONG Yiu Hung (Credit)
So far, 14 students have graduated from the MA programme. In 2015, two full-time students graduated under the programme. They were:
CHIK Wai Chi Wilson (Distinction)
YUEN Man Wah (Credit)
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Ltd
22 June 2017