Grief Management and Buddhist Psychotherapy 喪親傷痛管理與佛教心理治療 (附粵語即時傳譯)
As it is discussed in the Roga Sutta of the Aṅguttaranikāya, it is immensely impossible to be a perfect mentally healthy person except an Arahant, one who has reached the highest mental and spiritual developments. Enlightened beings who have not yet reached liberation are confronted with very subtle mental distortions. Nevertheless, average people are having various mental problems minute by minute. In this comprehensive analysis on mental problems, grief (soka) is understood in Buddhist discourses as natural phenomenon faced by every average person. In this paper, it is understood with the help of elucidation of Suttas like Piyajālika, Sokasallaharaṇa, and Saccavibhaṅga in which the death of beloved ones is explained as the main cause of grief. In this context, the Buddha, playing his role as a great Psychotherapist, has shown how to overcome such grief. The elements of Buddhist grief Management Techniques scattered throughout Suttas are presented here in a systematic manner with the aim of drawing the attention of Professionals who work in the related areas of grief into valuable discussion of several Buddhist discourses that could be adopted to develop the field.
《增支部》〈病經〉指除了已達最高心理及精神發育的阿羅漢外,世上沒有心理完全健康的人。已證悟但仍未捨報者仍受輕微心理干擾,但普通人每刻都受不同心理毛病困擾。本講將憂惱 (soka) 理解為每天凡夫自然面對的問題,藉以全面分析心理問題。〈愛生經〉、〈文荼經〉、〈諦分別經〉中描述喪親為憂惱主因,而經中佛陀以心理治療師角色指導超越憂惱方法。本講將散佈不同經藏的佛教喪親傷痛管理技巧以系統化形式表述,旨在引起從事喪親傷痛輔導專業人員關注從佛教採納相關佛教經典以充實專業知識的可能性。
Speaker 講者
Prof. P R Wasantha Priyadarshana received a PhD in 2008 with a dissertation entitled “Buddhist Therapy of Mental Diseases” (A Study of Psychoanalysis and Behaviour Therapy as Depicted from Tipitaka Literature). He is currently a Professor of Buddhist Culture, and was the Head of the Department of Buddhist Culture of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He has been a speaker at National and International Conferences on Buddhism, Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counseling. He is also a professional psychologist counselor and is conducting various programmes related to Buddhist Psychotherapy.
華幸德‧彼雅德西那 (春目欣) 教授於二零零八年以「佛教心理疾病治療:藏經中精神分析及行為治療研究」論文獲博士學位,現為斯里蘭卡凱拉尼亞大學巴利語與佛學研究生院佛教文化教授、學士後佛教輔導文憑及佛教輔導碩士統籌。教授於斯里蘭卡及國際佛教、佛教心理治療及佛教心理輔導學術會議演說,亦為專業心理輔導員,舉辦不同有關佛教心理治療活動。
Date 日期: 27 October 2018 (Saturday) 二零一八年十月二十七日 (星期六)
Time 時間: 3:00 - 5:00 pm 下午三時正至五時正
Venue 地點: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
(Near HKU MTR Exit B2)
香港德輔道西410 號太平洋廣場28樓 (近香港大學港鐵站B2出口)
Organizer 主辦: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
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Fee 費用: Free of Charge (Donations are welcome) 全免 (歡迎隨喜供養)
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