Regular Seminar (English Medium) on Xuan Zang's translation of Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra by Ven. Prof. Dhammajoti, at Zhuhai Putuo Temple, starting this Sunday (25 November 2018) 法光法師/教授本週日 (十一月二十五日) 珠海普陀寺開講玄奘譯本《能斷金剛般若波羅蜜經》 (英語)
We are pleased to announce that Ven. Prof. Dhamamjoti will begin a regular seminar series (English Medium) on the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, starting this Sunday at Zhuhai Putuo Temple. Details as follows:
Date: Sundays Starting 25 November 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 nn
Venue: Zhuhai Putuo Temple (Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China, 519000)
Arrival: Zhuhai Bus Route No. 26, 36, 70 and b9
Enquiries: +86 756 8508462
This series guides the student to understand and translate into English Xuan Zang’s Chinese Version of the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra. All are welcome.
日期: 二零一八年十一月二十五日 (星期日) 起
時間: 早上十時正至中午十二時正
地點: 珠海普陀寺 (珠海市香洲區前山東坑鳳凰山風景區內)
交通: 珠海公交 26, 36 70 及 b9
查詢: + 86 756 8508462