[RESCHEDULED 改期] "Meditation in the Tibetan Tradition: The View, The Path, and the Result" Public Talk by Dr G. T. Halkias Halkias 「藏傳佛教禪修:理解、途徑與成果」黑爾其亞士博士公開講座
Due to impending public events, the public talk will be postponed to 26 October 2019 (Saturday) from 3:00 – 5:00pm. 由於預期公眾活動舉行,原定之公開講座將改於二零一九年十月二十六日 (星期六) 下午三時至五時舉行。不便之處,敬請見諒。
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
Tibetan Buddhism is characterized by a diverse corpus of contemplative practices that draws from over one thousand years of Indian historical developments in Buddhist philosophical discourse and experimentation with contemplative techniques. In order to offer a general and useful overview of meditations this lecture will resort to emic categories of classification in order to come to appreciate how Tibetan scholars and practitioners have organized and understood the rich Buddhist heritage they have inherited. 西藏佛教取自印度超過一千年佛教哲學話語及禪修實踐歷史發展之多樣禪修實踐文集。為提供普遍及有用之禪修概要,本講座以主位分類範疇領會西藏學者及修行者如何組織及理解他們繼承之豐富佛教承傳。
Speaker 講者
Dr Georgios T. Halkias is Associate Professor of Buddhist Studies at the Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong. He is the co-editor in chief of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism and has published extensively on Tibetan and Himalayan Buddhism. 黑爾其亞士博士現為香港大學佛學研究中心副教授,合作主編牛津佛教百科全書,廣泛出版有關西藏及喜馬拉地區佛教。
Date 日期: 5 October 2019 (Saturday) 二零一九年十月五日 (星期六)
Time 時間: 3:00 - 5:00pm 下午三時正至五時正
Venue 地點: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong 香港德輔道西410號太平洋廣場28樓
(Near HKU MTR Exit B2) (近香港大學港鐵站 B2 出口)
Organizer 主辦: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
Language 語言: English (with Cantonese translation) (First-come, First-serve basis)
英語 (附粵語翻譯,名額有限,先到先得)
Map 地圖: https://goo.gl/maps/BciS2XNauV72
Registration 網上登記: https://forms.gle/DzDGx8Az4pJBCJaC8
Fee 費用: Free of Charge (Donations are welcome) 免費 (歡迎隨喜供養)
Enquiries 查詢: +852 2673 0001 / enquiries@buddha-dharma.org.hk