Reopening of BDCHK Premise To Public Starting 21 April 2022 有關香港佛法中心從二零二二年四月二十一日重新對外開放

In view of the gradual subsiding of the fifth wave of COVID-19 pandemic in HKSAR, BDCHK will be reopening to the public starting 21 April 2022.

Visitors and students should take note the following:

(1) Pursuant to the latest regulations, face masks are compulsory within the premise of BDCHK. Gatherings of groups of four or fewer will be allowed. Visitors and students must use the LeaveHomeSafe Apps to scan the venue QR code at the entrance of BDCHK.

(2) Upon the launch of Vaccine Pass, visitors and participants must scan the QR code containing their vaccination record at the mobile device at the entrance of BDCHK, unless exempted under the latest regulation (Details of exemption at (Details of QR code at Attached is the dosage requirement imposed by the HKSAR government for your reference.

(3) Except MABS 54 Mahayana Buddhism: A Doctrinal Survey by Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti in the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (Chinese Medium) programme, all course units under the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium), Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and classes of Introducing Buddhist Sanskrit will be conducted via face-to-face mode to all local students. Such arrangement does not apply to course units otherwise stated in the timetable, to non-local students and to those having special approval by the course Director of BDCHK, Local students auditing or taking MABS 54 Mahayana Buddhism: A Doctrinal Survey can continue to attend the remaining lectures via online mode, although they could opt for coming physically to BDCHK for attending the remaining lectures.

Local students who for whatever reasons must continue to use online mode must write to course director, Ven. Prof K L Dhammajoti, at, copied to (c.c.), for making the special request, detailing the circumstances.

The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong




(1) 訪客及學生必須依據本地法律規定在中心內佩戴口罩。中心內可進行四人或以下之聚會,而訪客及學生必須於正門掃瞄「安心出行」二維碼進入本中心。

(2) 疫苗通行證推行後,除特別於最新法規下獲豁免之人士 (豁免詳情請參考 外,訪客及學生必須在進入中心時於接待處手提電話前掃瞄個人電子疫苗接種記錄二維碼 (二維碼詳情請參閱。隨附上香港特區政府之疫苗接種要求供參考。

(3) 除法光法師/教授之文學碩士(佛學) (中文媒介) 課程MABS 54大乘佛教:教義之考察外,文學碩士(佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 、巴利文暨佛文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 課程及特別課程「佛典梵語入門」將全面以面授形式向本地學生推行。上述安排不適用於已於時間表上標明之個別科目、非本地學生及已特別獲課程總監批准以網絡上課之學生。MABS 54大乘佛教:教義之考察旁聽及修讀生可選擇以網絡形式或親臨本中心上課以完成餘下之課程。

煩請因任何原因必須繼續以網絡形式上課之本地學生以電郵形式向課程總監法光法師/教授 ( 提出網絡上課之特別請求及其申請之詳細情況,並將副本抄送至備案。
