Volume II, January, 2004

Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies Sri Lanka, V2, 2004.


  • NA Jayawickrana, “Papañcasūdanī: The Commentary to the Majjhimanikāya (continued).” p.1
  • Peter Della Santina, “Psychophysical Suffering and Freedom in the Buddhist Tradition.” p.58
  • Kate Crosby, “The Origin of Pāli as a Language Name in Medieveal Theravāda Literature..” p.70
  • Susantha Goonatilake, “Buddhist Fundamental Approaches in Bioethics.” 117
  • S. Weeratunga, “The Use of Word-repetition in Pāli Canonical Texts – A Brief Study of its Historical Background.” 135
  • Y Karunadasa, “Time and Space: The Abhidhamma Perspective.” 144.
  • Oliver Abeynayake, “Nibbāna as Empirical Reality.” 167
  • KL Dhammajoti, “Logic in the Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā.” 180
  • Russell Bowden, “Access to Resources for Buddhist Studies in Sri Lanka.” 198.