
Introducing Pāli (19 February - 7 May 2019)

Introducing Pāli

This is an elementary Pāli course for anyone who is interested in learning the ancient Buddhist language. It is a course designed for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. Students will learn basic Pāli grammar, and be guided in understanding some simple Pāli texts. At the end of the course, students will be able to read some simple Pāli texts.

This course provides a solid foundation for ME 67 Readings in Pali Suttas I & II in the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies programme.

Date:        19 February – 7 May 2019 (Every Tuesday)

Dharma Talk on Kālachakra Tantra and Meditation in the Mantra of Compassion 時輪密法公開講座與大悲咒禪修

Among all Unexcelled Yoga Tantras, the Kalacakra tantric tradition brings unique perspectives on the nonduality of cosmos, society, and an individual. It integrates diverse fields of Buddhist knowledge into its theory and practice. Like other tantras if it class, it also integrates the system of Perfections as taught in the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras with an esoteric tantric system. This lecture will discuss the uniqueness of the Kalacakratantra’s cosmology, perspectives on the concept of cosmological and personal time as manifesting in a human body.



佛教的業力論,為人類存在的困境及其超越之可能,提供了最令人滿意的解說。儘管各種佛教學派的教義發展有所不同,但都始終一致地把其業論闡述為符合緣起中道(pratītya-samutpāda)的教理,而遠離宿命論和絕對自由意志的兩個極端。我們各自的業,與人類的共業,共同決定了人類經驗的根本形體 —— 儘管這決定並非是絕對的。這種對我們存在的整體性的決定,給了我們解脫的希望,也帶來了挑戰與固有的障礙。



Reading Buddhist Pali Texts: An Elementary Grammatical Guide (2nd Ed.)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts: An Elementary Grammatical Guide (2nd Ed.)
Author: Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti
Publisher: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong
(Hong Kong, December 2018). pp. 380++ ISBN: 978-988-16820-1-7

For ordering publications, please email us at


二零一八/一九年度下學期文學碩士(佛學)(中文媒介)將於二月開課,ME 01 巴利尼柯耶 (經藏) 中之佛教教義:分析與演繹 (廣興教授)、ME 52 印度佛教史:從起源至大乘佛教之興起 (趙國森博士)、ME 22 佛教藝術與建築 – I (印度次大陸) (崔中慧博士) 及ME 60 說一切有部阿毘達磨:教義與爭議 (姚治華教授) 第一課(二月十三、十六、十七及十八日)為免費公開課,歡迎大眾前來旁聽共沾法悅。

文學碩士(佛學)(中文媒介)即日起接受下學期入學 (全日制及兼讀制) 及單科選讀(非正規)生報名,詳情請登入,謝謝!

Regular Seminar (English Medium) on Xuan Zang's translation of Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra by Ven. Prof. Dhammajoti, at Zhuhai Putuo Temple, starting this Sunday (25 November 2018) 法光法師/教授本週日 (十一月二十五日) 珠海普陀寺開講玄奘譯本《能斷金剛般若波羅蜜經》 (英語)

We are pleased to announce that Ven. Prof. Dhamamjoti will begin a regular seminar series (English Medium) on the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, starting this Sunday at Zhuhai Putuo Temple. Details as follows:

Date: Sundays Starting 25 November 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 nn
Venue: Zhuhai Putuo Temple (Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China, 519000)
Arrival: Zhuhai Bus Route No. 26, 36, 70 and b9
Enquiries: +86 756 8508462
