
Free Public Sit-in For Lecture One of MABS 01 Buddhist Doctrines of Pali Nikāyas: Analysis and Interpretation and MABS 02 Theravāda Abhidhamma: Origins and Development

The first lectures of MABS 01 Buddhist Doctrines of Pali Nikāyas: Analysis and Interpretation and MABS 02 Theravāda Abhidhamma: Origins and Development of 2020 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English Medium) (MA) programme will be free for public sit-in. Members of the public from all parts of the world are welcome to join the first lectures of both course units for free for learning Theravada Abhidhamma and early Buddhist teachings.

Ven. Prof. Dhammajoti's Latest Encyclopaedia Entry "Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma" in Oxford Research Encyclopaedias - Religion

Dhammajoti, K. L. "Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma". Oxford Research Encyclopaedias - Religion.

Online Publication Date: May 2020


Free Public Sit-in for Class Two to Four of MABS 67 II and MABS 68 II of 2020 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English Medium)

To further Pali and Sanskrit learning and the reading Buddhist texts from original Indian source materials, as part of the Dhamma mission of BDCHK, the second to fourth lecture of MABS 67 II Readings in Pali Suttas II: Readings of Selected Sutta Passages and MABS 68 II Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts II: Reading of Selected Buddhist Sanskrit Texts of 2020 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English Medium) (MA) programme will be also be free for public sit-in.

Introducing Pāli (17 May - 2 August 2020)

Introducing Pāli

This is an elementary Pāli course for anyone who is interested in learning the ancient Buddhist language. It is a course designed for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. Students will learn basic Pāli grammar, and be guided in understanding some simple Pāli texts. At the end of the course, students will be able to read some simple Pāli texts.

This course provides a solid foundation for MABS 67 Readings in Pali Suttas I & II in the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies programme.

Date:        17 May - 2 August 2020 (Every Sunday)

Introducing Buddhist Sanskrit (May - August 2020)

This introductory course is meant for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. Students will be introduced to the Sanskrit Devanagari alphabets and basic Sanskrit grammar required for reading simple Buddhist passages. The focus of this course will be to familiarize students with the basic Buddhist terminologies and simple sentences in the Buddhist Sanskrit Sūtras. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to read simple Sanskrit passages.

Free Public Sit-in for First Classes of Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies - April 2020 二零二零年四月文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及巴利文暨佛學文憑 (中文媒介) 第一講免費公開課

Registration 網站登記:

[更新] 二零一九/二零年度下半學年巴利文暨佛學文憑(中文媒介)時間表

由於疫情影響,二零一九/二零年度下半學年巴利文暨佛學文憑(中文媒介)將於四月開課,DPBS 13062 上座部與大乘佛教 (選修科目) (二學分) 、DPBS 13082 佛學英語 (選修科目) (二學分) (尤堅先生 (博士生)) 及 DPBS 13052 亞洲佛教文化多樣性 (選修科目) (二學分) (賢達博士) 第一課(四月二十六、四月二十五及七月四日)為免費公開課,歡迎大眾前來旁聽共沾法悅。



[更新] 二零一九/二零年度下學期文學碩士(佛學)(中文媒介)時間表

由於疫情影響,二零一九/二零年度下學期文學碩士(佛學)(中文媒介)改將於四月開課,MABS 52 印度佛教史:從起源至大乘佛教之興起 (賢達博士)、MABS 54 大乘佛教:教義之考察 (趙國森博士) 及ME 60 說一切有部阿毘達磨:教義與爭議 (姚治華教授) 第一課(四月二十七、二十三及二十五日)為免費公開課,歡迎大眾前來旁聽共沾法悅。


文學碩士(佛學)(中文媒介)即日起接受下學期入學 (全日制及兼讀制) 及單科選讀(非正規)生報名,詳情請登入,謝謝!
