
Journal of Buddhist Studies, Volume XVI (2019)

Journal of Buddhist Studies, Volume XVI 2019
(JBS XVI 2019)


Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti 法光
Director & Professor,
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong.
Chair Professor,
School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China.

Published by
Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka &
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong (BDCHK).

巴利佛典導讀: 基礎語法指南

巴利佛典導讀: 基礎語法指南
法光 (KL Dhammajoti) 著 胡博聰 譯
— 香港: 香港佛法中心有限公司, 2019.12
399 面; 22.9 公分
譯自: Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts: An Elementary Grammatical Guide (Second Edition)
ISBN 978-988-16820-2-4 (平裝)

本書由旭日慈善基金 (Glorious Sun Charity Group, Hong Kong) 贊助出版



1.1 巴利語及其字母
1.2 關於音韻的補充說明
1.3 名詞: 陽性, 中性 與 陰性
1.4 八個變格的其中五個: (一) 主格; (二) 賓格; (四) 與格; (六) 屬格; (七) 位格
1.5 形容詞
1.6 不變詞
1.7 動詞
1.8 帶有動詞的巴利語句例

Investigating Principles: International Aspects of Buddhist Culture - Essays in Honour of Professor CHARLES WILLEMEN

Investigating Principles: International Aspects of Buddhist Culture - Essays in Honour of Professor CHARLES WILLEMEN
Editors Professor Lalji ‘Shravak’ and Dr. Supriya Rai
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2019
ISBN 978-988-16820-3-1


Preface xiii-xiv

Professor Charles Willemen : A Biographical Note and Academic Contributions Lalji ‘Shravak’ and Supriya Rai xv-xxvi

[Seminar] The Buddhist Concept of Vāsanā: From Abhidharma to Early Yogācāra by GAO Mingyuan (PhD Candidate)


Topic: The Buddhist Concept of Vāsanā: From Abhidharma to Early Yogācāra

Speaker: GAO Mingyuan, PhD Student

Date: 20 November 2019 (Wednesday), 7:00 – 9:00pm (Rescheduled)

Venue: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong, 28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Vouex Road West, Hong Kong

[RESCHEDULED 改期] "Meditation in the Tibetan Tradition: The View, The Path, and the Result" Public Talk by Dr G. T. Halkias Halkias 「藏傳佛教禪修:理解、途徑與成果」黑爾其亞士博士公開講座

Due to impending public events, the public talk will be postponed to 26 October 2019 (Saturday) from 3:00 – 5:00pm. 由於預期公眾活動舉行,原定之公開講座將改於二零一九年十月二十六日 (星期六) 下午三時至五時舉行。不便之處,敬請見諒。

The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心

