
Mr LEONG Ka Chai awarded Honorary University Fellowship 2021 by The University of Hong Kong

Our heartfelt congratulations to Mr LEONG Ka Chai, Chairman of Mama Charitable Foundation, on his being awarded the Honorary University Fellowship 2021 of The University of Hong Kong. We also take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation for his generous financial support of our academic and dharma activities.

Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong

Free Public Sit-in for First Classes of Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) - September 2021 二零二一年九月文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及巴利文暨佛學文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 第一講免費公開課

The first lecture of each course unit of the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) is open for public. The course unit is OPEN for public audit, both in the face-to-face as well as online mode locally and internationally.

二零二一/二二年度文學碩士 (佛學) (中文媒介) 招生 (附課程簡介詳請)


學位頒授: 斯里蘭卡凱拉尼亞大學
課程主辦: 香港佛法中心
開課日期: 二零二一年九月中旬
學制: 全日制(一年)/兼讀制(兩年)/單科選讀(非正規)生
課程總監: 法光法師/教授
查詢: +852 2673 0001 /

「佛法龍門陣 之佛教徒對飲食的困惑」

講題:佛法龍門陣 之佛教徒對飲食的困惑
日期: 2021年8月28日(星期六)
時間: 下午 3:00 至 晚上 6:30
地點:香港理工大學 林百欣演講廳 N001室

許多佛教徒都認為虔誠就需要吃齋, 認為吃齋是信佛的必須條件。 其實,最早期佛教傳入中國時,並沒有規定僧人必須、持齋,何況是在家人?但《大般涅槃經》裡,佛陀言:「食肉者,斷大慈種。」,所以後期信佛者為了體現佛陀教導,實踐其慈悲教晦,才倡導吃齋。 發展成所有出家人必須持齋,甚至有許多在家居士都仿效出家人,長期吃齋。 究竟持齋對修行有何影響?吃齋又是否對修行有幫助?吃葷又是否不虔誠了?不能成佛?

相信很多人都對以上種種疑問有不同的見解和答案,所以我們決定重設久違了的佛法龍門陣,希望大家互動討論,對佛教徒的飲食和信仰之間千絲萬縷的關係和問題找到答案。  我們更邀請了四位教內大德和大家共同討論,從漢傳、南傳、藏傳和在家學者的角度去分析這個問題, 分享他們吃齋的經歷、得著和感受的啟示,從而解開佛教徒對飲食的困惑。

Free Public Sit-in for Class 15-20 of DPBS 13044 Pali Grammar and Literature of 2021 Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (English Medium) (13 Jul - 17 Aug 2021)

To further the learning of Pali language, Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti will be delivering lectures at Class Fifteen to Twenty of DPBS 13044 Pali Grammar and Literature of the 2021 Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (English Medium) at The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong. He will be lecturing on the nature of Pali grammar and literature, and the evolution of the Pali Canon. Participants should preferably have some basic knowledge in Pali or Sanskrit.

二零二一/二二年度巴利文暨佛學文憑 (中文媒介) 入學招生 (附簡介會詳情)




學位頒授: 斯里蘭卡凱拉尼亞大學
課程主辦: 香港佛法中心
開課日期: 二零二一年九月中旬
學制: 兼讀制(兩年)/單科選讀(非正規)生
課程總監: 法光法師/教授
查詢: +852 2673 0001 /

Illuminating the Dharma - Felicitations to Venerable Professor K. L. Dhammajoti

Video Recording:

To acknowledge his contributions and celebrate his birthday at the same time, at his 72th birthday on May 29, 2021, The Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, is organizing a felicitation to Professor Dhammajoti. The details are as follows:
