Revised Timetable for First Semester 2017 MA (English Medium)
Posted By admin On Saturday, 14 January 2017The Timetable for First Semester of 2017 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies programme (English medium) is amended as follows:
The Timetable for First Semester of 2017 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies programme (English medium) is amended as follows:
講題: 釋迦牟尼佛的五根法門
日期: 二零一七年一月十四日 (星期六)
時間: 下午三時正至五時正
地點: 觀音講堂 香港葵涌和宜合道50-56號葵涌花園商場
交通: 參加者可於葵芳地鐵站轉乘九巴31M線至葵涌打磚坪街站下車
簡介: 「五根」是:信、勤、念、定、慧。也稱之為「五力」。這是所有佛教傳統都公認的根本佛法;強調在成佛之道上要在修持上透過正念,將信與慧、勤與定,逐步圓融統一。這各方面的究竟圓滿,即為「人成即佛成」。
報名: 觀音講堂 +852 33568 2613 /
查詢: 觀音講堂 +852 33568 2613
(1) 第一場座談會 (2017.1.7, 星期六, 7.00-9.00pm)
• 佛學, 學佛和修行的初步理解
• 零的佛學或學佛經驗是好的開始
• 卻步是入門的障礙
• 聽課如聞佛法, 作業如考功夫
• 佛法基礎的要義
(2) 第二場座談會 (2017.1.15, 星期曰, 4.30-6.30pm)
• 佛學做就[個己性] (true individuality)
• 2017的[逆流而行]
• 從佛法中自利利他, 從圓滿慈悲中實踐生存意義
• 愛護自己的傳統, 超越自己的傳統
• 向佛陀學習的正信
座談會主持: 阮曼華博士
地點: 香港佛法中心 香港德輔道西410號太平洋廣場28樓
We are pleased to introduce the series of interviews entitled “佛學而學佛” of Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti, (Episodes 7 – 8) the current students (Alice, Janet, Choy Peng, Ada and Rupert) and alumnus (Wilson) of the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (MA) programme (Episodes 1-6), hosted by Gerald and KC on Channel B of Buddhistdoor website in Cantonese, sharing their personal stories and experiences in studying the MA programme at BDCHK. Please find below the link to episodes on their channel:
We would like to share with you an article by Buddhistdoor in Chinese entitled “學佛而佛學,佛學而學佛:法光法師基於「五根」的教育理念”. The article introduces the philosophy of integrating Dharma practice with Buddhist Studies proposed by Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti, as well as the vision and mission of The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong. Please refer to the article on Buddhistdoor website below:
We would like to share with you an interview of Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti by Buddhist in Hong Kong (《香港佛教》) magazine, appearing on their Nov 2016 (678) Issue entitled “法光法師: 所到之處皆佛理” . Our curtesy to Buddhist in Hong Kong of Hong Kong Buddhist Association for allowing us to share the article.
有關報讀文學碩士(佛學) (中文媒介) 單科選讀(非正規)生詳情,請參閱 。
The admission for 2017 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies and Postgraduate Diploma in Buddhist Studies in now open. Please refer to and for more details.
As most of you would have been aware, we have relocated to our new premises since 16 September. We'd like to invite you to a simple gathering to consecrate the new premises on 02 October, 2016 (Sunday). Schedule as follows:
Date: 02 September, 2016 (Sunday)
11 am: A short speech (by Ven Prof Dhammajoti), followed by buddha-pūjā and blessings
12 noon: Simple lunch.
Venue: Our new premises, at 28/F, Pacific Plaza (太平洋廣場), Des Voeux Road West, Western District
All are welcome.