Volume III, August, 2005
Posted By admin On Sunday, 30 September 2012

Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies Sri Lanka, V3, 2005
- Michael Hahn, “Haribaṭṭha and Mahābhārata.” 1
- NA Jayawickrama, “The Exegesis of the Sabbāsavasutta.” 42
- Y Karunadasa, “The Unanswered Questions: Why were they unanswered” A Re-examination of the texutal data.” 85
- KL Dhammajoti, “Abhidharma and Upadeśa.” 112
- Anālayo, “The Seven Stages of Purification in Comparative Perspective.” 126
- Kate Crosby, “Differences between the Amatākaravaṇṇanā and the Vimuttimagga-uddāna.” 139
- Z Yao, “Reflexive Awareness: A Theravāda-Andhaka Debate.” 152
- Jing Yin, “The Bodhisattva Precepts and the Origin of the Mahāyāna School.” 169
- Wei Shan, “Samādhi and Vikṣepa in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma.” 190