News/Talks/Lectures of Ven Prof Dhammajoti
誠摯邀請法光法師蒞臨雅加達文殊禪院 佛學講座題目: 佛法禪修的重要性 (22 Dec 2024)
Dharmadesana | Mengundang Profesor Universitas Hong Kong
Venerable. Prof. K.L. Dhammajoti “Ven. Fa Guang” (22 Dec 2024)
瑜伽師地論真實義品摘要 (法光法師主講)
時間:3/23、24(六、日) 09:30~11:30
線上重播 - 瑜伽師地論真實義品01第一講:
線上重播 - 瑜伽師地論真實義品02第二講:
線上重播 - 瑜伽師地論真實義品03第三講:
線上重播 - 瑜伽師地論真實義品04第四講:
Sutra or Abhidharma? - Dhamma Talk by Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti (Updated with presentation slides)
Dhamma Talk by Ven. Prof K L Dhammajoti at Yayasan Bella Buddhist Malaysia, Bandar Utama Buddhist Society on 11 September 2022.
Please find the full video at below:
University of Kelaniya’s Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies Opens New Building
Press coverage :
Please find the full article at:
An Interview with Ven. K. L. Dhammajoti: The Landscape of Buddhist Studies in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian Concerns
Press coverage :
Dhamma Talk by Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti at Nalanda Buddhist Society, Malaysia, on 24 July 2023
Please find the full video at below:
Akliṣṭājñāna and Origins of Mahāyāna
Please find the full article at:
Press coverage:
Please find the full article at:
Ullambana Ceremony 2023
Please find the full article at: