The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)’s “President’s Chatroom” / 香港恒生大學校長對談系列

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)’s “President’s Chatroom” is honoured to invite Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti, Dr Stephen Suen, and Dr Eliza Fok as guest speakers to share their insights on the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (AKB). Authored by the influential Indian Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu, the AKB is a comprehensive compilation of the doctrines of early Buddhist schools. Known also as the “Treatise of Intelligence”, it has two ancient translations: one by Paramārtha from the Southern Liang Dynasty and another by Xuanzang from the Tang Dynasty.
The AKB has had a profound impact on both Eastern and Western philosophy, science and cultural development, as well as on personal enlightenment. The speakers will explore the AKB and reflect on life experiences, sharing the wisdom they gained from the Buddha’s teachings. The event will also introduce the translation and publication project of the AKB led by HSUHK’s Research Centre for Translation of Buddhist Texts.
Date: 6 November 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 6 pm – 7:30 pm
Venue: Fung Yiu King Hall, 4/F, S H Ho Academic Building, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Guest speakers:
-Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti, Chairman of The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Limited (Biography)
-Dr Stephen Suen, Founder of Buddhist Lodge of Laity and Chamber of Young Snow (Biography)
-Dr Eliza Fok (Biography)
-Professor Simon Ho, President of HSUHK
-Dr Siu Sai-yau, Assistant Professor, School of Translation and Foreign Languages, and Director of Research Centre for Translation of Buddhist Texts of HSUHK
Language: Cantonese (Q&A session in Cantonese, Putonghua, or English)
Registration deadline: 1 November 2024 (Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.)
-The event will also be streamed live via an online platform.
-Please read the event notes before registering.
香港恒生大學校長對談系列今次榮幸邀請法光法師(Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti)、孫漢明博士及霍何綺華博士擔任主講嘉賓,與大家淺談《阿毘達磨俱舍論》(Abhidharmakośabhāṣya,簡稱「俱舍論」)的見解。《俱舍論》由印度著名論師世親(Vasubandhu)所造,集部派佛教教理大成,乃佛法知識的寶庫,又稱「聰明論」,現存南梁真諦和唐代玄奘兩種古譯本。
-法光法師, 香港佛法中心主席 (簡歷)
-孫漢明博士, 香港居士林‧少雪齋創辦人 (簡歷)
-霍何綺華博士 (簡歷)
-何順文教授, 香港恒生大學校長
-蕭世友博士, 香港恒生大學翻譯及外語學院助理教授、佛學文獻翻譯研究中心總監
-報名前請參閱是次活動之 「注意事項」 。