法光使命 慈善籌款午宴 報名最後召集 / Final Call For “Dhammajoti Mission Charity Luncheon”

Date : 12th January, 2025. Reception from 11:30am
Location :1/F Luna Court, 53-59 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
即日接受報名 / Registration form:https://forms.gle/zD1aqd9TzukRcXKKA
Cost: $800 per person for Bodhisatta table, $1,800 per person for Dāna table
查詢 / Enquiries:dhammajotimission2024@gmail.com / Whatsapp: 9037-6194 / 微信: 法光使命
“Dhammajoti Mission" is a charitable organization established by a group of students of the Buddha Dharma Centre. Through this platform, we hope to assist Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti in achieving his vision and mission to spread the Dharma more effectively and unify the diverse Buddhist traditions beyond sectarian prejudices. Also support fellow students on the path of learning and practicing Buddhism.