Ven Prof Dhammajoti invited to India and Re-visits a Chinese Temple

Ven Prof Dhammajoti (Bhante) was invited to visit India in March 2025 to give a special lecture at the Nalanda University.

Bhante left the Chinese Temple (photos below) in 1977 and returned 20 years later with a small group of Singapore devotees on pilgrimage.

Then 12 or 15 years ago, he came with Prof Charles Willemen, both being invited to edit the English translation by late Prof Tatia (a former Director of NavaNalanda Mahavihara), on a chapter of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya left unpublished before his death. Unfortunately, they could not locate the manuscript. On that occasion too, he stayed at the Chinese Temple. This time, he came on invitation by the Nava Nalanda Mahavihara to deliver a special lecture, and he took the opportunity to visit the temple again. Whenever he visits India, he tries to visit the temple because it reminds him of his youth as a student staying there.

He was happy to see the statue of the Buddha, which he had once worshipped and meditated under. But the old shrine hall where the Buddha was originally has been pulled down. The present Chinese Temple is now very much expanded with some new buildings.