Master of Arts Degree in Buddhist Studies (MA)
(Registration No.: 272503)
Entrance Requirements
All applicants should meet at least one of the following requirements:
(i) Postgraduate Diploma in Buddhist studies awarded by PGIPBS, University of Kelaniya; or
(ii) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university; or
(iii) Any other qualifications deemed as equivalent to the above by the Faculty Board of PGIPBS.
English Language Proficiency Requirement
If the student’s first language is not English, the medium of instruction of his/her previous degree has to be in English.
Programme Structure
With effect from 2021, students are required to follow seven taught courses comprising two compulsory courses (MABS 01 and MABS 72) and five elective courses to be selected from those announced for the academic year. For MABS 72, students are required to attend two workshops and submit a 5 000-word graduation essay on a theme related to one of the courses followed and selected with the guidance and approval of the lecturers concerned.
The following courses are offered by BDCHK:
MABS 01 Buddhist Doctrines of Pali Nikāyas: Analysis and Interpretation
MABS 52 History of Indian Buddhism: From its Origins to the Emergence of Mahāyāna
MABS 02 Theravāda Abhidhamma: Origins and Development
MABS 05 Buddhalogical Developments: A Study based on pre Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature
MABS 06 Origins of Mahāyāna and the Mahāyāna Sūtra Literature
MABS 09 Buddhist Vinaya and Monastic Organization
MABS 21 Buddhist Aesthetic Concepts: Analysis and Evaluation
MABS 22 Buddhist Art and Architecture - I (Indian Subcontinent)
MABS 23 Buddhist Art and Architecture - II (Sri Lanka)
MABS 26 Buddhist Psychotherapy
MABS 27 Buddhist Social Dimension
MABS 33 Buddhist Economics Philosophy
MABS 35 Theravāda Tradition: A Historical and Doctrinal Study
MABS 39 Basic Pali, Research Methodology and Logical Reasoning
MABS 40 Buddhist Philosophy of Education and Communication
MABS 54 Mahāyāna Buddhism: A Doctrinal Survey
MABS 56 The Pali Commentarial Literature
MABS 57 The Buddha-concept and Bodhisttva Ideal in Theravāda Buddhism
MABS 60 Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma: Doctrines and Controversies
MABS 61 Methods of Spiritual Praxis in the Sarvāstivāda Tradition
MABS 62 The Doctrines of Śūnyatā (Emptiness): Prajñāpāramitā Scriptures and Early Mādhyamika
MABS 63 Doctrines of Early Indian Yogācāra
MABS 64 History of Chinese Buddhism
MABS 65 Japanese Buddhism: History and Doctrines
MABS 66 Tibetan Buddhism: History and Doctrines
MABS 67 Readings in Pali Suttas I - Grammatical Foundation
MABS 67 Readings in Pali Suttas II - Readings of Selected Sutta Passages
MABS 68 Readings in Buddhist Sanskrit Texts I - Grammatical Foundation
MABS 68 Readings in Buddhist Sanskrit Texts II - Readings of Selected Buddhist Sanskrit Texts
MABS 69 Readings in Buddhist Tibetan Texts
MABS 70 Buddhist Doctrines: Modern Philosophical Perspectives
MABS 71 Buddhist Ethics: Concepts and Philosophical Interpretations
MABS 72 Research Methodology and Extended Essay
MABS 74 Chinese Buddhism: A Doctrinal Survey
MABS 75 Buddhist Meditative Traditions
MABS 76 Fundamental Principles of Buddhist Psychology in Pali Tradition
For each academic year, we will make available about ten courses for selection by students. The number and type of courses to be selected will depend on the availability of teachers, feedback from students and other circumstances. Applicants interested in enrolling for the programme in a particular academic year should consult the Academic Director or Course Co‑ordinator for courses available for the academic year concerned.
All courses are offered on a semester basis. The academic year comprises two semesters.
Mode of Study
Full-time (1 year)
Part-time (2 years)
Classes will mainly be conducted on weekday evenings and weekends.
2025 Programme Timetable
2025 MA Programme Timetable (First Semester)
2025 Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus (First and Second Semester)
Assessment Method
(i) Compulsory Course Units:
MABS 01: Two Short Essays (40%), Final Examination (50%), attendance and in-class participation (10%)
MABS 72: Essay Proposal (20%), extended essay(70%), workshop participation (10%)
(ii) Language elective course units:
Mid-Term Test (30%), Final Examination (50%), attendance and in-class participation (20%)
(iii) Non-language elective course units:
One short essay (30%), one long essay (60%), attendance and in-class participation (10%)
Provision for enrolment as Occasional Students
Applicants who are interested in taking only certain courses (instead of joining the whole MA programme) may enrol as Occasional Students. They do not need to meet the above‑mentioned entrance requirements for enrolment. Upon completion of the chosen course, students will be issued a Certificate of Attendance. For those who have successfully completed all the requirements of the course (including final examination and written assignments, etc.), a Certificate of Completion with the passing grade obtained will be issued.
Study Load
Students are required to take six courses, each of which consists of 30 lecture hours. Accordingly, the whole programme comprises 180 lecture hours. Students are advised to spend no less than 30 hours of self-study for each course to gain the full benefit of the programme (not applicable to MABS 72).
Programme Fees
HK$500 non-refundable application fee
Tuition fee: HK$64,800
Full-time Mode (payable in 2 instalments): HK$32,400 per instalment
Part-time Mode (payable in 4 instalments): HK$16,200 per instalment
Occasional Students: HK$6,000 per course
A limited number of scholarships are available for needy students.
Application Procedures
Please download the application form, and submit a completed copy, along with certified copies of your academic credentials, three recent photographs (45mm X 35mm) of yourself and an application fee of HK$500 (cheque payable to The Buddha‑Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Ltd.) to BDCHK. Payment by telegraphic transfer can be effected in accordance with the following instructions:
Beneficiary bank name: HSBC Hong Kong
Beneficiary account number: 023-133366-838
Beneficiary name: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong Limited
Beneficiary bank address: 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Please note that the application fee of HK$500 should be paid in full in HKD, net of all bank charges which should be absorbed by the remitter or sender.
Please note that documents once submitted will not be returned to applicants. For successful applications, the application documents will form part of the student records. For unsuccessful applications, the application form and all supporting documents will be destroyed.
Tel: (852) 2673 0001
The programme is registered under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance, Cap. 493. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead.