Volume IX, 2011

Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies Sri Lanka, V9, 2011


  • Y. Karunadasa, “Dependent Origination: Revisited.” 1
  • Ānandajoti Bhikkhu, “Orthographical Sanskritisation in the Udānavarga.” 17
  • Toshiichi Endo, “Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga Challenged?” 31
  • Anālayo, “The Tale of King Ma(k)hādeva in the Ekottarika-āgama and the Cakravartin Motif.” 43
  • Junjie Chu, “Some Problems Concerning the 'Earlier Dissemination of Buddhism' (bstan pa snga dar) in Tibetan History.” 79
  • Guang Xing, “Yulanpen Festival and Chinese Ancestor Worship.” 123
  • Charles Willemen, “Xuangzang and Paramārtha and Prajñāpāramitā's Origin.” 145
  • KL Dhammajoti, “From Abhidharma to Mahāyāna: Remarks on the early Abhidharma doctrine of the three yāna-s.” 153