
二零二三/二四年度佛學文憑 (中文媒介) 招生


學位頒授: 斯里蘭卡凱拉尼亞大學
課程主辦: 香港佛法中心
開課日期: 二零二三年十月六日
學制: 兼讀制(兩年)/ 單科選讀(非正規)生
課程總監: 法光法師/教授
查詢: +852 2673 0001 /

本中心佛學文憑 (中文媒介) 每學期所有課節之第一講均為免費公開課,全球及本地公眾可以網上或面授形式旁聽。



Journal of Buddhist Studies, Volume XIX 2022

Journal of Buddhist Studies, Volume XIX 2022
(JBS XIX 2022)


Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti 法光
Director & Professor,
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong.
Chair Professor,
School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China.

Published by
Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka &
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong (BDCHK).


說一切有部阿毘達磨 (第二版)

作者:法光 (KL Dhammajoti)
地址:香港西環德輔道西 410 號太平洋廣場 28 層
電話:(852) 2673 0001
傳真:(852) 2673 0100
出版日期:2023 年 6 月 第二版
ISBN 978-988-76863-0-9

本書由旭日慈善基金 (Glorious Sun Charity Group, Hong Kong) 贊助出版


[CONFERENCE] Diverse Perspectives and Approaches to East Asian Buddhism and Beyond

Date: 23-24 June 2023 (Friday and Saturday)

Time: 10:00 - 16:20

Venue: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong
28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
(Close to HKU MTR Exit B2)

Organizer: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong
National Research Foundation of Korea
Dongguk University


Vesak 2023 二零二三國際佛誕慶典

Request for individual Refuge Taking is available.

Date 日期: 14 May 2023 (Sunday) 二零二二年五月十四日 (星期日)

Time 時間: 10:00 am - 1:15 pm (Registration from 9:15am) 早上十時正至下午一時十五分 (早上九時十五分起入場)

Venue 地點: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
(Near HKU MTR Station Exit B2 近香港大學港鐵站B2出口)

Organizer 主辦: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心

Map 地圖:

Fee 費用: Free of Charge (Donations are welcome) 全免 (歡迎隨喜供養)

Introductory Readings in Sanskrit Texts (April - July 2023)

The specific aim of this elementary READING course is to prepare the beginners and those with only a rudimentary knowledge in Sanskrit, to be able to read progressively lengthy Sanskrit passages. In this respect it serves as a specific link between Part I (MABS 68 I) and Part II (MABS 68 II; lectured by Ven. Professor KL Dhammajoti with the assistance of Dr Dharmarakkhita) of the MA course unit, “Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts”. The stress is on further consolidating the student’s understanding of Sanskrit through guided readings.

Introductory Readings in Pāli Texts (March to April 2023)

Introductory Readings in Pāli Texts

The specific aim of this elementary READING course is to prepare the beginners and those with only a rudimentary knowledge in Pāli, to be able to read progressively lengthy Pāli passages. In this respect it serves as a specific link between Part I (MABS 67 I) and Part II (MABS 67 II; lectured by Ven. Professor KL Dhammajoti with the assistance of Dr Nagasena) of the MA course unit, “Readings in Pali Suttas”. The stress is on further consolidating the student’s understanding of Pāli through guided readings.

Sri Lanka Relief (HKBA and GS Charity Foundation) - Distributions at North Central Province Coordinated by W. Sugathchandra

Distributions at North Central Province, Sri Lanka, coordinated by W. Sugathchandra.

(1) Polonnaruwa (North Central Province): Medical Health Office, Thamankaduwa, Sri Lanka, conducted on 28 February 2023

LKR10,000 worth of dry good parcels were handed to 200 poor families.


Sri Lanka Relief (HKBA and GS Charity Foundation) - Distributions at Western Province Coordinated by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana

Distributions Western Province, Sri Lanka, coordinated by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana, Professor, Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


(1) Gampaha (Western Province): Weliweriya, conducted by Sri Purwaramaya at 9:00am, 25 February 2023

LKR8,000 worth of dry good parcels and LKR2,000 in cash were handed to 200 poor families.
